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The adviser who knows on wheels

Weegot Separador

A new branding project with destination Latam arrives at the agency: Weegot. A new consulting business for car sales has kept us busy creating the design of its corporate image and web development. A job in which we tried to convey the idea that acquiring a vehicle is not a tedious or cold process when you have the help of a good group of professionals, who accompany you throughout the process, making it easy and simple.

Diseño papelería hoja de carta Weegot Koolbrand
Diseño papelería Weegot Koolbrand
Diseño papelería tarjeta de contacto Weegot Koolbrand

Branding diseño vinilos Weegot Koolbrand
Diseño merchandising Weegot Koolbrand
Diseño merchandising Weegot Koolbrand

We created an animated video to insert it on the web, it explains in a nice and simplified way how Weegot works. We built a story based on the experience of buying a car, and for that we designed 4 characters: A user interested in buying a car, the car salesman wasting time and money, an adviser to Weegot, and the own Weegot, the superhero of the advice of cars.

Weegot iconos

With the concept of big brother, who accompanies you and lends a hand when you need it was the main design axis for this new branding. By using the typographer, we get a slight curve around a point, symbolizing the close treatment throughout the counseling process offered by Weegot. At the graphic level, we also develop advertising brochures to promote the brand and its benefits among the target audience.

We try to transfer all these graphic resources to the web development of the project. We created an informative site for the client, that would support all the services of the company, making it possible for the user to make contact and at the same time offers the possibility of accelerating the consultation process, thanks to the user data transfer.

Weegot iPad con Web
Web Weegot
Weegot Corazón

A work of branding and web development in whirred the concept´s strength that the client wants to transmit it´s fundamental for the elaboration of the corporate image and its website.


BUILT WITH HTML5, CSS3 AND lots of love

Koolbrand K
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