Generating a new concept for a product line is always a challenge that we always like to address, since it it part of our philosophy to put ourselves in our clients shoes, and so, créate unique points of view. Hoxe cheeses brought us the perfect oportunity for doing such: Tetilla cheese, Arzúa-Ulloa cheese, ripened cheese and Livián cheese. The creative strategy was sharply defined in our minds: to come up with a differentiating concept for the whole line that was able to emotionally conect with the audicence and get their attention with an identity that could stand out in the shelf.
We developed the packaging creating valuable graphic elements and claims in Galician language ‘Dálle un toque as túas merendas’ (Give your snacks a diferent touch), ‘Feito con amor en Galicia’ (Made with love in Galicia) y ‘De leite galego’ (Made with galician milk) that are able to transmit the origin and carácter of the cheese and the care that is put into making them.
We also gave the products a new value layer “Selección aroma & forma” (Shape and smell selection), the product goes through an aditional step of handcrafted smell and shape selection that increases their quality.